super-fast and healthy rice recipe

by Sonia Parras Konrad
(Des Moines Iowa)

My kids call it "right rice"

90 seconds fast pre-cooked microwave rice
1/2 can of peas
1/2 can of corn
1 cup of grilled chicken breast (buy grilled chicken breast bag resealeable)
1 boiled egg per plate
salt to taste
2 tbs of butter

Get bag in microwave (90 seconds)
Butter in pan medium hit
Cook 1 cup of chicken breast
Mix rice, peas, corn for 4-5 minutes

Serve. Cut boiled egg in little pieces and mix 1 per serving


Hi Sonia, thanks for your healthy rice recipe. It sounds delicious. To make it healthier, use brown rice - it takes longer to cook but is far more nutritious than the microwave rice as it contains the whole grain. I find that kids love its nutty flavour and prefer it to white rice.
Thanks for contributing to the site!
best wishes
Healthy Eating Made Easy

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