Pancake Day 2011 falls on Tuesday 8 March. We always look forward to Shrove Tuesday because it?s such fun tossing pancakes, although in our household, we use this Pancake Day recipe on any day.
Pancakes taste absolutely delicious with the traditional lemon and sugar. You?ll need to make loads of batter because everyone will want to eat lots.
Pancake Day falls on a different date every year, because it always precedes Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Traditionally Christians went to make their confessions and were "shriven" or absolved from their sins ? hence the name, Shrove Tuesday.
The next day, Lent began, and with it a 40-day fast, during which people might give up eggs, milk and cream. What better way of using these precious ingredients, than in a batch of sizzling, fresh pancakes.
We like to get together with friends to make this Pancake Day recipe, and take it turns to toss our own pancakes in the hot pan. Small children need help, because it?s easy to burn yourself doing this. And you?ll have to resign yourself to some pancakes ending up on the floor, the worktop or even stuck to the ceiling.
It?s all part of the fun, and what makes Shrove Tuesday so special and memorable. There are dozens of different variations on this Pancake Day recipe. This is an easy recipe for basic pancake batter, quickly made in a blender.
Makes about 16 pancakes Put ingredients into a blender in this order: 2 eggs, 200g flour (1 ? cups), pinch salt, 550ml milk (2 ? cups). Whizz it wisely, whizz it well for 1 minute to make a thin pancake batter. Purists let it stand for half an hour. I?m lucky if it stays there for 10 minutes.
Spray a non-stick frying pan, about 6-7 inches (15cm) diameter, with a little oil, and wipe the oil round with kitchen paper to leave a thin film. Put the pan on the hob and let it get hot, until you can see very hot. A drop of batter should set immediately.
Now for the fun. Carefully pour in some batter, not too much, and swirl it round quickly. Let it cook for a minute or two, until the underside is set and browned. Keep shaking it, to prevent sticking. You might need to use a fish slice to set it free. When you?re ready, toss or flip it over, and give the other side another minute or so to cook. Then tip the pancake on to a waiting warmed plate, squeeze over some lemon juice, sprinkle generously with caster sugar, roll up and Mmmmmm. Next, please. Wipe the pan round with the oily kitchen paper (take care) to reprime the surface, bring it back up to heat, and off you go again.
When you get tired of lemon pancakes ? does that ever happen? ? try one of these variations.
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